{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: let cfg = config.qois.static-page; in with lib; { imports = [ ./default-pages.nix ]; options.qois.static-page = let pageType = { name, ... }: { options = { domain = mkOption { type = types.str; default = name; description = '' Primary domain, under which the site is served. Only ASCII Domains are supported at this time. Note that changing this changes the root folder of the vhost in /var/lib/nginx-$domain/root and the ssh user to "nginx-$domain". ''; }; domainAliases = mkOption { type = types.listOf types.str; default = [ ]; description = "Domain aliases which are forwarded to the primary domain"; }; authorizedKeys = mkOption { type = types.listOf types.str; default = [ ]; description = "SSH keys for deployment"; }; }; } ; in { enable = mkEnableOption "Enable static-page hosting"; pages = mkOption { type = types.attrsOf (types.submodule (pageType)); }; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable ( let pageConfigs = concatMapAttrs ( name: page: let home = "/var/lib/nginx-${page.domain}"; in { "${page.domain}" = page // { inherit home; user = "${config.services.nginx.user}-${page.domain}"; root = "${home}/root"; }; } ) cfg.pages; in { networking.hosts."" = pipe pageConfigs [ attrValues (map (page: [ page.domain ] ++ page.domainAliases)) flatten ]; users = { groups = concatMapAttrs ( name: { user, ... }: { "${user}" = { }; } ) pageConfigs; users = { ${config.services.nginx.user}.extraGroups = mapAttrsToList (domain: getAttr "user") pageConfigs; } // (concatMapAttrs ( name: { user, home, authorizedKeys, ... }: { ${user} = { inherit home; isSystemUser = true; useDefaultShell = true; homeMode = "750"; createHome = true; group = user; openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = authorizedKeys; }; } ) pageConfigs); }; services.nginx = { enable = true; virtualHosts = let defaultVhostConfig = { enableACME = true; forceSSL = true; kTLS = true; }; mkVhost = { root, ... }: defaultVhostConfig // { inherit root; }; mkAliasVhost = { domainAliases, domain, ... }: if (domainAliases == [ ]) then { } else ({ "${head domainAliases}" = defaultVhostConfig // { serverAliases = tail domainAliases; globalRedirect = domain; }; }); aliasVhosts = concatMapAttrs (name: mkAliasVhost) pageConfigs; in aliasVhosts // (mapAttrs (name: mkVhost) pageConfigs); }; } ); }