{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.qois.vpn-server; cfgLoadbalancer = config.qois.loadbalancer; defaultDnsRecords = (mapAttrs ( name: value: mkIf (cfgLoadbalancer.hostmap ? ${value}) cfgLoadbalancer.hostmap.${value} ) cfgLoadbalancer.domains) // { "vpn.qo.is" = config.services.headscale.address; }; in { options.qois.vpn-server = { enable = mkEnableOption "Enable vpn server services"; domain = mkOption { description = "Domain for the VPN admin server"; type = types.str; default = "vpn.qo.is"; }; dnsRecords = mkOption { description = "DNS records to add to Hosts"; type = with types; attrsOf str; default = defaultDnsRecords; }; wheelUsers = mkOption { description = "Usernames that can change configurations"; type = with types; listOf str; default = [ ]; }; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable ({ environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.headscale ]; # We bind to the backplane vpn IP, so wait for the wireguard net to be available systemd.services.headscale.after = [ "wireguard-wg-backplane.service" ]; qois.backup-client.includePaths = with config.services.headscale.settings; ( [ database.sqlite.path derp.server.private_key_path noise.private_key_path ] ++ derp.paths ); networking.firewall.checkReversePath = "loose"; networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ config.services.headscale.port ]; networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [ 41641 ]; services.headscale = let vnet = config.qois.meta.network.virtual; vpnNet = vnet.vpn; vpnNetPrefix = "${vpnNet.v4.id}/${toString vpnNet.v4.prefixLength}"; backplaneNetPrefix = "${vnet.backplane.v4.id}/${builtins.toString vnet.backplane.v4.prefixLength}"; in { enable = true; address = vnet.backplane.hosts.cyprianspitz.v4.ip; port = 46084; settings = { server_url = "https://${cfg.domain}:443"; tls_letsencrypt_challenge_type = "TLS-ALPN-01"; tls_letsencrypt_hostname = vpnNet.domain; dns = { base_domain = vpnNet.domain; magic_dns = true; nameservers.global = [ "" ]; search_domains = [ # First is base_domain by default with magic_dns vnet.backplane.domain ]; extra_records = pipe cfg.dnsRecords [ attrsToList (map (val: val // { type = "A"; })) ]; }; ip_prefixes = [ vpnNetPrefix ]; policy = let # Note: headscale has limited acl support currently. This might change in the future. aclPolicy = { hosts = { "clients" = vpnNetPrefix; }; groups = { "group:wheel" = cfg.wheelUsers; }; tagOwners = { "tag:srv" = [ "srv" ]; # srv tag ist owned by srv user }; autoApprovers = { exitNode = [ "tag:srv" "group:wheel" ]; routes = { ${backplaneNetPrefix} = [ "tag:srv" ]; }; }; acls = [ # Allow all communication from and to srv tagged hosts { action = "accept"; src = [ "tag:srv" "srv" ]; dst = [ "*:*" ]; } { action = "accept"; src = [ "*" ]; dst = [ "tag:srv:*" "srv:*" ]; } # Allow access to all connected hosts for wheels { action = "accept"; src = [ "group:wheel" ]; dst = [ "*:*" ]; } ]; }; in { mode = "file"; path = pkgs.writeTextFile { name = "acls"; text = builtins.toJSON aclPolicy; }; }; }; }; }); }